
Pastors, Staff & Elders

Meet the Lead Pastors

Vasily & Nelya Botsyan

Senior Pastor
Pastor Vasily serves as senior pastor of the family of CityHill Churches, which have grown to 3 campuses with over 2,000 attendees every weekend. Nelya helps oversee the women’s ministry at CityHill Church.

Ben Tereshchuk

English Service Pastor
Ben oversees the English service, and serves as a teaching preacher, administrator and elder. His passion is for people to love God, and know Him more deeply. Ben and Irene got married in 2022, and reside in Lynnwood.

Andrey Oliferchik

Russian Service Overseer and Lead Pastor 
Andrey oversees the Russian service, and is the lead pastor and teacher. His passion is for people to love God and live for Him. Andrey and Irina reside in Mill Creek.

Meet the Elders

In addition to  our lead pastors, these couples are part of the eldership team here at CityHill Church Northshore.

Alex Borishkevich

Pastor Eng service
Alex serves as a teaching pastor in the church, and oversees the home groups and families ministries. With a background in youth ministry and a degree in ministry leadership, his passion is to evangelize the lost and bring people to an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Alex has been married to his wife Liana for 13 years; they have a beautiful daughter and son together.

Paul Tereshchuk

Pastor Eng service
Paul and Anna got married in 2014, and together, they started the Young Families Ministry, focusing on building community through home groups and events. Before that, Paul was involved in young adults and youth ministries. Currently, they are also involved in pastoral care, and have two kids, Sofia and Michael, with little brother on the way.

Vadim & Luda Natekin

Pastor RUS service

Vasily Klimenko

With his social charm and genuine care, Pastor Vasily will notice and greet every newcomer that enters the church. He is the go to person to help you connect with our various departments, from Kid's Ministry to Homegroups.

Meet the team

Eugene & Inna Bobrovnikov

Administrator, Media and Coffee shop
Eugene and Inna is a great blessing to our team, serving behind the scenes, enabling each ministry to succeed! They also oversees the church facility and runs our media department and amazing coffee shop.

Igor & Lili Adzhigirey

Kids Ministry
An amazing team dedicates time weekly to pray & prepare lessons for our children on Sundays during the service. In addition, they do special events throughout the year to serve kids of the Northshore region. 

Alex and Marina Babko

Teens Ministry
Alex leads the teens ministry where they meet weekly for Bible studies, discussions and fun outings.

Tim Tereshchuk

Youth Ministry
Tim and a team of dedicated individuals make up a strong team of people who serve the high school and college students of the Northshore region.

Marvin Agustin and Igor Podgorny

Young Adults Ministry
The "YA" do life together, by meeting weekly in several life groups, traveling together and sharing life experiences together! 

Roman Avramenko

Men's Ministry

Join us quarterly for a men's dinner where men of all ages gather to be inspired and renewed.